Powershell - Out-GridView and his parameters
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Out-GridView is used to display a result in the form of an interactive table offering object filtering and sorting functionalities.
You can directly in filter, select a filter column: column_name:value.
You can also arrange the order of the columns (drag & drop the column title) and hide them (right-click on a column title > select columns).
Out-GridView supports up to 30 properties.
# Example :Get-Process | Out-GridView# In filter, test: processname:svchost# Specify the properties to displayGet-Process | Select-Object name, id, path | Out-GridView
Out-GridView’s -PassThru argument allows interesting options such as exporting selected items or performing actions on selected items.
# Export selected result to CSV:Get-Process | Out-GridView -PassThru | Export-CSV -Path C:\Process.csv
# Export the selected result to the clipboard (clip.exe):Get-Process | Out-GridView -PassThru | Clip
# Create a selection menu to perform actions on the selected elementsGet-Process | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Choose processes to stop'| Stop-Process -WhatIf
# By default -Passthru allows multiple selection, but you can limit it to a single selection1..10 | Out-GridView -Title 'Select an item' -OutputMode Single
The Out-GridView help presents the -Wait argument, allowing it to be integrated into a shortcut.
# In a Powershell shell, test the following syntaxes:powershell -Command "Get-Service | Out-GridView -Wait"powershell -Command "Get-Service | Out-GridView"
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